Research & Innovation Partner Student Awards

CIHT Student Awards

As a Research & Innovation Partner, the following four categories of student awards are available.  Each R&I Partner may submit a request for up to two awards within the calendar year.


The CIHT Prize for the Best Performance in a Highways or Transportation Related Final Year Project

To be awarded to the final year (level 6 SCQF L10) student who, in the opinion of the teaching team, has delivered the best dissertation in a topic directly related to highways and transportation.  


The CIHT Prize for the Best Performance by a Highways or Transportation Apprentice in a Degree or Graduate Apprenticeship

To be awarded to the final year (level 6 or SCQF L10) degree or graduate apprenticeship student employed in the highways and transportation sector who, in the opinion of the teaching team, has delivered the best dissertation or project.


The CIHT Prize for the Best Performance by an MSc or MEng Student in Highways or Transportation

To be awarded to the MSc or MEng student (level 7 SCQF L11) who, in the opinion of the teaching team, has delivered the best overall performance in a highways or transportation related dissertation or assignment.

The student should have been enrolled on a highways or transportation related module and undertaken an independent individual piece of work with a clear emphasis on highways and transportation OR have undertaken individual research specifically in highways or transportation.


The CIHT Prize for Outstanding Performance by a PhD Student in Highways or Transportation

To be awarded to the PhD student (level 8 or SCQF L12) who, in the opinion of the teaching team and the external assessor, has delivered an outstanding piece of work in a highways or transportation related PhD thesis and undertaken an independent, individual piece of research with a clear emphasis on highways and transportation.

To be clear, this is not an award for successfully completing a PhD, but for work that is highly notable when compared to other PhD work over several years, and likely to be remembered for several years to come.


Award Criteria

It is for the teaching team to decide on the most appropriate criteria for awarding the prize in their institution, but it is expected this will include a focus on one or more of these topics: sustainability and decarbonisation, equality diversity and inclusion, accessibility and integration, active travel, and the safe systems approach.

It will be up to the teaching team’s discretion to choose which piece of work they deem to be outstanding and the student(s) that deserve recognition.

Students should be advised of the prize at the earliest opportunity to maximise their awareness of CIHT, and the awarding criteria (as agreed by the teaching team) to ensure transparency.

Students should be made aware of the opportunities to contribute to CIHT.  They need to understand that they may be approached to give a presentation of their work at a regional meeting, to the CIHT Council or another committee group or event.  Their final output upon which the prize was given, may be used by CIHT in the communications to members and/or be absorbed into the resources of CIHT that are accessible to CIHT members. 

The Research & Innovation Partner will be expected to promote the opportunities the CIHT prizes present, to ensure their students are aware of how their final output could be used by CIHT.  They should also provide information about CIHT to their students about the membership benefits and qualifications; this will be supported by CIHT staff either through the membership team delivering a presentation and Q&A session or a set of slides to be provided for an internal presentation to be delivered.

Process for applying for student award funding

1.      A representative from the Research & Innovation Partner will need to complete the CIHT Partnerships Network Student Prize form.  Maximum two prizes in total, in a calendar year, for each R&I Partner. (Current List of R&I Partners)

The signed and completed form should be emailed to

2.      The CIHT CEO and Vice President review all the requests that are received and will either approve the application or return it with comments.  We will advise you of the decision and provide further information and resource for how to promote what CIHT can offer with regards to career development and membership support to those building a career in highways and transportation. (Form 2)

3.      When the Research & Innovation Partner has decided which student(s) will receive the prize(s), a representative will need to inform CIHT (

4.      A short overview of the winning work will be requested and the key reasons for awarding the work.  This will inform how CIHT can raise awareness of and promote the winning work.  We will also request permission for direct contact with the student to discuss their potential involvement in promoting their work. (Form 3)

5.      A short summary of activities that were carried out to promote CIHT will need to be provided. (Form 3)

6.      The payment to the student(s) will be organized and the student(s) will be contacted to discuss how CIHT can make use of their work.



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