Continuing Professional Development

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What is CPD

Continuing professional development (CPD) is a way to ensure your skills and knowledge remain up to date throughout your career and that you can address the challenges facing the sector. CPD can help you with your career development, whether you are new to the sector or have many years of experience. Spending time thinking about your career goals and planning how to achieve them will help you to make the most of any learning opportunities and progress in your career. Showing you are committed to As a CIHT member you are expected to plan, record, and reflect on CPD throughout each year. Continually updating your skills and knowledge will also give your clients and other stakeholders confidence that you are up to date. You can use CIHT Learn to access and record CPD activities. Find out more information on our CPD Activities Page.


New CPD Guide

The new CPD guide provides advice and guidance on what is expected of you as a member of the Chartered Institution of Highways & Transportation (CIHT), how to plan, record and reflect on your CPD, and the support available from CIHT. This guide also sets out the new expectation that all CIHT members should focus some of their CPD on decarbonisation from January 2023.


Maintaining a CPD Record

Maintaining a CPD record helps you track, document then reflect on the skills, knowledge and experience that you have gained from both formal and informal learning. We recommend you use CIHT Learn to find, access, undertake and record your CPD activities.

CIHT members are required to undertake a minimum of 25 hours of CPD per year in accordance with our Code of Conduct and for professionally registered members, to ensure compliance the Engineering Councils Code for Registrants. A good CPD record demonstrates that the knowledge and skills that are necessary for you to practice are up-to-date, enabling you to serve society to the best of your ability.


CPD Activities - What Constitutes CPD

CIHT do not prescribe the types of activity that count towards your CPD hours because you are the best person to choose the right CPD activity for you; however, if you would like some examples of CPD activities that are approved by CIHT, please find more information here. 

Our new digital learning platform, CIHT Learn can be used to find, access, undertake and record your CPD activites. 


Webinar Recording - How to make CPD work for you

In this webinar, CIHT's Professional Development Officer, John Hall, was joined by CPD Panel member and expert, Agnieszka Jezierska, to present some best practice guidance on planning, undertaking, finding, recording and reflecting on your CPD activities.

This webinar provides information about CIHT Learn, CIHTs new CPD Guide, as well as information about CIHT's CPD membership requirements, including the new requirement that CIHT members will need to undertake some of their CPD activities around decarbonization.


CIHT Learn

CIHT Learn is our new digital learning platform, created to help you progress and succeed in your highways, transport and infrastructure career. Designed to deliver the insights you need, when you need them, CIHT Learn is about to make learning a lot easier and more convenient for you.

CIHT Learn is linked directly to recording and reflecting on your CPD record aa well as creating your own SWOT analysis and Professional Development Plan. CIHT Learn – try it today.


Where can I find CIHT Approved CPD activities?

What are the benefits of CPD?

  • Increase capacity and commitment to lifelong learning
  • Encourage learning in a variety of topics
  • Increase resilience to changes in the industry
  • Encourage reflection of business / personal objectives
  • Enhance career prospects


How can CIHT help you manage your CPD

CIHT can help you to continuously plan, act, record and reflect upon your development.

  • Plan how you will meet your learning and development needs set out in your Professional Development Plan
  • Act on your plan by undertaking at least 25 hours of CPD activity in any one year
  • Record your CPD activity in an appropriate form
  • Reflect upon your professional development activity, needs and objectives regularly
  • Use CIHT Learn to plan, act, record and reflect on your CPD
  • The new CPD Guide provides advice and guidance on what is expected of you as a CIHT member, and how to plan, record and reflect on your CPD


Annual CIHT CPD Review

CIHT audits a random sample of members each year and you should be prepared to send us your CPD record and Development Action Plan (DAP) if you are selected for audit. As per the CPD requirements under the CIHT Code of Conduct “Members of the Institution have a duty to acquire, and use wisely, the understanding, knowledge, and skills needed to perform their role”.

Some members will have their CPD records reviewed by members of our CPD Panel and a percentage of those will be professional registrants. If a member does not respond to a CPD audit request, this can constitute non-compliance with CIHT’s Code of Conduct, which could result in suspension of membership and loss of professional registration.

Those members exempt from the annual review are: Honorary Fellows, Retired Members and members who are undertaking full-time or part time study which leads to a relevant qualification. Retired Members involved in CIHT’s governance structure (i.e., Council, Boards, Panels, Committees and professional reviewers) are considered professionally active and may be invited to submit current evidence of undertaking CPD.


Help and Support

If you have any further questions regarding CPD please email



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Join other savvy professionals just like you at CIHT.  We are  committed to fulfilling your professional development needs throughout your career

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