Chartered Manager

Get your management skills recognised by becoming a Chartered Manager (CMgr)

CIHT has partnered with the Chartered Management Institute (CMI) to offer professionally qualified CIHT members a streamlined route to qualify as a Chartered Manager (CMgr). CMgr is the highest management qualification and is recognised throughout the public and private sectors and across all management disciplines.

For any queries, please e-mail

Get ahead with CIHT Membership

You will need to be a CIHT member to apply for professional registration. Find out how much you can get out of CIHT Membership and how it can supercharge your career!

Find out more

CIHT members who hold Chartered Engineer (CEng), Incorporated Engineer (IEng), or Transport Planning Professional (TPP) registration with five years or more of management experience are eligible for CMI’s full assessment route to becoming a Chartered Manager. The full assessment route reviews an applicant’s management and leadership skills, and through workplace examples, explores how these skills are effectively and ethically applied to deliver positive business results.

Why become a Chartered Manager?

Management and leadership are key responsibilities for most engineers and planners working in transport infrastructure and CIHT membership surveys have shown that members commit a significant proportion of their professional development towards management and interpersonal skills to become and remain managerially as well as technically competent.

The benefits of becoming CMgr qualified include:

  • raising your profile and professional status
  • endorsing your management competence and capability
  • increasing your confidence
  • enhancing your employability.

CMgr application and renewal fees

Depending on experience, an eligible CIHT member can apply to be either a Chartered Manager Member (CMgr MCMI) or a Chartered Manager Fellow (CMgr FCMI). The application fees are shown in the table below.

Eligible CIHT members receive a 50% discount on the CMI membership fee and this will continue as long as you retain your CIHT membership.

For any queries, please e-mail



Applying for...

Chartered Manager Member

Chartered Manager Fellow


Assessment Fee


Assessment Fee






50% discounted membership fee


50% discounted membership fee






Apply now if you:

  • are a CIHT member
  • hold the CEng, IEng or TPP qualification, and
  • have at least 5 years’ practical experience

To apply for Chartered Manager status please e-mail with your CIHT membership details The team at CMI will issue an invoice for the relevant fees and the application paperwork for you to progress


Chartered Manager Webinar

On 9 Jan 2024, CIHT hosted a webinar with Karen Nichols MCMI, who is the Chartered Programme Manager for the Chartered Management Institute. 

In this webinar, Karen explains the importance of professional recognition with the Chartered Management Institute and the pathway to becoming a Chartered Manager.

We have turned the webinar to a YouTube video for your convenience, please see video to the right. Enjoy.

Hear how members have benefited from gaining CMgr

“ I applied for this qualification to mark a milestone in my career as an accomplished project manager as well as self-recognition of my management skills. The process in obtaining the qualification is straight forward but it does requires commitment and motivation to write up a good submission.”

Heidi Lee, Principal Aviation Planner - Mott MacDonald


Get ahead with CIHT Membership

You will need to be a CIHT member to apply for professional registration. Find out how much you can get out of CIHT Membership and how it can supercharge your career!

Find out more

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