Request a Mentor

CIHT mentoring is available to Members who are currently working towards Engineering Council registration and would like to work with a mentor who has good knowledge of the relevant standard and the process involved in achieving it.

How CIHT can support you

If you are a CIHT member at Member grade we can help you find the right mentor to support you in achieving your professional qualifications.


Role of a CIHT mentor?

  • Provide advice, guidance and encouragement to their mentee on their journey to becoming professionally qualified.
  • Help the mentee identify the relevant knowledge and experience required to meet the required competence standard
  • Advise on how this might be demonstrated in their submission and at interview.


Request a Mentor

To request a mentor for EngTech you must be at minimum Associate Member (AMCIHT) grade.

To request a mentor for CEng or IEng you must be at minimum Member (MCIHT) grade

Request a mentor today

Request a Mentor Form

Personal details
What qualifications are you studying for? *
For CEng, IEng & EngTech students



Q: Can my sponsor also be my mentor?

A: Yes, if they are happy to mentor you too then this is perfectly acceptable.

Q: Can my mentor who CIHT match me with also be my sponsor?

A: No, sponsors need to have worked with you in a professional capacity in order to verify the content of your Portfolio.


Help and Support

For further information and advice, please contact the CIHT Education Team via e-mail –


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