CIHT launches new Policy Brief "Ensuring a Just Transition to Net Zero" on the challenges that UK's transport professionals face in considering fairness and justice when planning projects aimed at reducing carbon emissions in travel.
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Today, 19 September 2024, CIHT launches a new Policy Brief on “Ensuring a Just Transition to Net Zero Transport” on the link between transport inequalities and decarbonisation policies.
The Policy Brief highlights the challenges that UK transport professionals face in addressing fairness and justice when implementing carbon reduction strategies in the sector.
To meet the ambitious target, set by the Uk government, to reach Net Zero by 20501 , the transport system has to face some critical changes in how and how much we travel and how we move goods around the country.
The new CIHT Policy Brief explains that while the necessary changes to reduce emissions in transport will impact everyone, how those changes are experienced will vary among people and will depend on a mix of economic, social and personal factors.
The Policy Brief states:
When setting a policy to decarbonise mobility there is an implicit assumption that everyone is starting off from the same position. People’s personal circumstances might make their ability to reduce their personal emissions more difficult due to economic, physical or psychological abilities and a variety of reasons such as their perceptions of safety.
Access the full Policy Brief “Ensuring a Just Transition to Net Zero Transport” to:
As the UK accelerates toward its Net Zero goal, this Policy Brief serves as a reminder that the path to decarbonisation must also be one of social fairness. Without a Fair Transition, the risk is that transport decarbonisation could worsen rather than improve inequalities.
If you would like to know more about this project or have any queries, please email
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