CIHT has submitted its response to the government’s consultation on proposed reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework and other changes to the planning system.
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CIHT has responded to the government’s consultation that is looking at proposed reforms to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and other changes to the planning system.
CIHT said:
As outlined in CIHT's Manifesto A Transport Network Fit for All Our Futures, there is a need to integrate land use and transport planning.
In our submission, we have called for planning rules to encourage place-based solutions that create attractive built environments and reduce the need to travel. Planning should support and promote the availability of local services and provide people with real choices and appropriate alternatives to private car use.
While we feel there are positive steps being taken in these proposed reforms, we are concerned that a stronger focus on sustainable transport is needed to ensure development meets the needs of people, not cars.
Key points highlighted in CIHT's response include:
You can find the CIHT’s full consultation response here.
About the consultation
The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government announced the consultation on 30 July 2024, after publishing its proposed reforms to the NPPF along with a series of wider policy proposals.
The original consultation can be found here
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