The role of asphalt in sustainable road-building
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Speed management: a need for greater consistency
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Below you will find the latest blogs from Deborah Sims, CIHT President, that highlight some of her activity throughout the year. You will also be able to read CIHT President 2019-2021, Martin Tugwell's blogs which were written during his time in office.
In her Presidential Blog in August, CIHT President, Deborah Sims reflects on the events and activities of the past month, including meeting Adept's new President Paula Hewitt and the CIHT Board of Trustees 'Away Day'. She also shares her thoughts on an increasing return to normality and how highways & transportation professionals can give their support to young people.
Read more here.
In her first blog as CIHT President, Deborah Sims reflects on the events of the past month, including her Presidential Inauguration and the Department for Transport's Transport Decarbonisation Plan. She also shares her thoughts on what the Olympic games can teach us about our professional practise and discusses her hopes for the coming month.
Read more here
As a profession we have a problem when it comes to diversity and inclusion. We need to acknowledge that the problem exists and we need to be committed to addressing it – change will only come through our actions, both individually and collectively.
When it comes to understanding the mobility needs of our communities – whether they are rural or urban – it is time to think again.
- A Year in the Life
It is traditional at the time of the Annual General Meeting to spend a few minutes reflecting on the preceding 12 months.
In selecting ‘Shaping Tomorrow Today’ as my Presidential theme I wanted to celebrate the contribution that each and every one of us makes on a daily basis: whether you are maintaining an existing asset, delivering a new piece of infrastructure or planning for the future, what we do makes a difference: what we do is shaping the world around us.
As a profession we have a problem when it comes to diversity and inclusion. We need to acknowledge that the problem exists and we need to be committed to addressing it – change will only come through our actions, both individually and collectively.
What an amazing day! Today was the second Young Professionals’ Network Conference – this time held in the Science and Industry Museum in Manchester.
Having heard how special last year’s inaugural event in Leeds had been I was particularly looking forward to today’s event – and I have to confess that I was totally blown away.
The arrival of the first week of November means that it is time for Highways UK. This year’s show was the 5th and it has become a key event in the diary for the profession.
Today is a special day for our Chief Executive Sue Percy as she heads off to Buckingham Palace for her inauguration as a CBE.
In what is turning out to be a busy week (CIHT-wise) today saw a third visit to Britannia Walk in three days – this time for a meeting of the Board of Trustees.
Some members may not be aware that CIHT has strong linkages with the English Sub-national Transport Bodies: the STBs quarterly meetings are held at Britannia Walk.
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