Transport for the North

Transport for the North (TfN) is England’s first Sub-national Transport Body (STB), and the only one of the seven STBs in England to have statutory status.

Our vision is of a thriving North of England, where modern transport connections drive sustainable economic growth and support an excellent quality of life.  As a partnership, we bring together the North of England’s 20 Local Transport Authorities and 11 Local Enterprise Partnerships, with delivery partners including Network Rail, National Highways, and HS2 Ltd, to work closely with central Government on the transport connectivity our region needs and deserves.

Through TfN, the North speaks with one voice on the transport infrastructure investment needed to drive transformational growth and rebalance the UK economy.

Our statutory advice and other recommendations are underpinned by robust evidence and a compelling Strategic Transport Plan.  By working with our Members, partners, stakeholders, academic connections and many more, we offer a wealth of insights and experiences that highlight the important link between transport investment and economic growth, sustainability and social mobility.  Our coordinated pan-Northern approach ensures a joined-up picture of the needs of our region across key modes such as road, rail and active travel, with a focus on the challenges of decarbonisation, the need to enhance freight movements, and the importance of accessible and reliable public transport.

To find out more about our work, please find us on Twitter, read our latest news, or listen to our podcast.  You can also sign up to our weekly All Points North newsletter.

Transport for the North

Level 6
Town Hall Extension
Lloyd Street
M2 5DB

T  0161 244 0888



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