Reinstate your membership

If you were previously a member of CIHT and wish to re-join, doing so is a straight-forward process. Depending on your circumstances, getting your membership active again should be a quick process. 
First, some important points to remember:

  1. Unlike some other institutions, CIHT do not charge for missed years of membership. You will however be liable for a small reinstatement fee.
  2. Please do not try to create a new account, when you re-join, you will retain your previous membership number. If you no longer have access to your old MyCIHT account, please email: providing as much detail as possible so we can identify you in our system (full name; date of birth; last registered email – if known).
  3. If you held Engineering Council or TPP qualifications with CIHT and wish to reinstate these as well, please see below for further details.
  4. If you are returning to work following maternity leave or any other long-term career break (for example, due to ill health), please email and we can discuss your reinstatement.

Got a question about CIHT membership?

Let us support you and answer your questions.

Make an enquiry now

When did your CIHT membership end? 

  • This current year (your account will show as lapsed) - Reinstating your membership can be done online. You need to pay the current year's subscription fee and the reinstatement fee. Once you have paid, your membership will be reinstated within two working days.
  • Between one and three years ago (your account will show as suspended) - Please email and we will add the current year’s invoice and the reinstatement fee onto your account and send you details on how to pay.
  • More than 3 years ago (your account will show as suspended) - Please email with a copy of your current CV and we will add the current year’s invoice and the reinstatement fee onto your account and send you details on how to pay

How much will it cost and how do I pay?

  • You will need to pay the reinstatement fee (£50) plus the current year's membership fee. You can pay this online through your MyCIHT account or by calling +44 (0)20 7336 1555 (Option 1).
    When paying online, you may opt to pay via Direct Debit, with a discount on the membership fee.

Do you have Engineering Council (CEng, IEng, EngTech) or TPP qualifications with CIHT?

  • If you have previously held Engineering Council qualifications with CIHT and wish to reinstate these, please contact as there will be additional steps. These are set out briefly below. Our education team will guide you through the process. 
  • If you have previously held Engineering Council qualifications with CIHT and do not wish to reinstate these, there are no additional steps, please see above or contact if any questions.

Do you have Engineering Council (CEng, IEng, EngTech) or TPP qualifications through another professional body and wish to transfer to CIHT?


Reinstatement of CEng, IEng and EngTech or CTPP 

Reinstating your professional registration depends on what qualification you had and how long ago you stopped being registered.

  • If your membership and professional registration (CEng, IEng, EngTech or CTPP) lapsed less than 12 months ago you can simply pay online as above.
  • If your membership and professional registration (CEng, IEng, EngTech or CTPP) lapsed between 12 months and three years ago you will need to provide evidence of how you have maintained your competence. Please send the following documents to
    • Your current CV
    • Your Continuing Professional Development (CPD) record showing how you have maintained your professional knowledge and competence
    • Your Development Action Plan (DAP) for the next 12 months

Please note that under Engineering Council regulations, any registrant whose registration lapses for more than three years, must re-apply for the qualification again in full.  This does not apply to CTPP.


Read our advice on CPD including the CIHT CPD guide and template


If you have any questions regarding reinstating your membership, please contact our Membership Team by email or complete the enquiry form.


Got a question about CIHT membership?

Let us support you and answer your questions.

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