Subscription fees FAQs

If you have any questions about your subscription, please contact 


Q: When does the subscription year start and end?

A: The subscription year runs from 1 January until 31 December.

Q: How do I renew my membership each year?

A: You will receive a renewal notification by email or post well before the end of your subscription year. If you have provided us with a valid email address and pay by Direct Debit, you will receive a renewal notification by email informing you of when your first payment will be taken for the new membership subscription year and the amount. If you have not provided us with a valid email address, you will receive the same renewal notification by post.

If you have provided us with a valid email address and pay by any other method you will receive a renewal notification by email, informing you of the amount and how to renew. If you have not provided us with a valid email address, you will receive the same renewal notification by post.

Payment methods

Q: How can I pay? 

A: You will be able to make a payment by debit or credit card (with the exception of Amex) online and by telephone, by cheque, by BACS, by Swift and by direct debit annually or in three instalments.

Q: Where can I get a copy of my invoice or receipt? 

A: Via your MyCIHT account in the MyFinancials section. 

Q. I currently pay by card. How do I switch to Direct Debit? 

A: You will be able to do this online via your MyCIHT account. Please go to your MyFinancials and select the payment method option, selecting Direct Debit. You will then be able to enter your details online. Your fee will automatically reduced to reflect the discount given to annual Direct Debit payers. 

Q: I want to switch from Direct Debit to card payment.

A: Please cancel your Direct Debit with your bank and email us at: Please note you will need to pay the increased amount. 

Q: I wish to change my Direct Debit details.

A: Please cancel your Direct Debit with your bank and email us at: You will be able to set up a new Direct Debit online. 

Q: When will the Direct Debit payment be taken from my account? 

A: The payment will be taken on 31 January each year. You will be notified via email. 

Q: Can you take payment automatically using the card details I used last year? 

A: No. CIHT do not store any credit/debit card details.

Q: I live outside the UK. What are my payment options?  
A: You will be able to make a payment by debit or credit card (with the exception of Amex) online and by telephone, by cheque, by BACS, by Swift. If you are paying from international account please be aware of any currency or bank fees. If you have a UK bank account, you can pay by direct debit. 
You cannot pay by PayPal or other payment service. 

Q: Can I pay in instalments?

A: Our Direct Debit options allow you to pay for your membership fee in three instalments. Due to the increased administration costs, payments by instalments are not subject to the discount offered for annual direct debit payments. There are separate terms and conditions for instalment payments. 

Financial support

Q: Do you provide any support to members experiencing financial difficulty, or a change in personal circumstance?

A: Yes, we can provide members who are experiencing financial difficulty or a change in personal circumstances, which has affected their ability to pay a full rate of subscription, with a temporary reduction in their subscription fee.

You must substantiate your circumstances each year through completing and returning an application form and supporting documentation. For more information on applying for a reduced rate of subscription and to apply, please refer to the reduced rate application form.

Q: Can you reclaim tax on your membership subscription?

A: Yes, in the UK you can reclaim tax on your CIHT Membership subscription if you use your membership to do your job, or it’s helpful for your work. To find out if you’re eligible and how to claim, visit the HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) website.

Change in circumstances

Q: I have retired. How do I move to the retired rate? 

A: If you are retired, you can move onto the reduced membership rate. Please email: You will be asked to complete a form.

Q: What happens to my membership subscription if I move outside the UK?

A: CIHT Members residing outside the UK pay less than Members residing in the UK to reflect the fact you won’t have access to all location-based benefits. If you move during the subscription year, please ensure that you update your contact details by logging into MyCIHT. Your membership subscription will be changed to reflect your change in location when you come to renew your membership again the following year.
Please note that you will not be entitled to a reduction of subscription fees for the year in which your place of residence changes. 

Q: What happens to my membership subscription if I move to the UK?

A: CIHT Members residing in the UK pay the UK rate. If you move during the subscription year, please ensure that you update your contact details by logging into MyCIHT. Your membership subscription will be changed to reflect your change in location when you come to renew your membership again the following year.
Please note that you will neither be liable to pay an additional subscription fees for the year in which your place of residence changes, nor eligible for a refund. 

Third-party payments

Q: My employer wishes to pay for several members’ subscriptions in one payment. Is this possible? 

A: Please email: and we can make the necessary arrangements.

Q: My employer needs to see a certain address on my invoice/receipt. How do I change this? 

A: If you have any issues with this, please email: 

Q: Can my employer or someone else pay on my behalf? 

A: Yes, this is fine. The person making the payment needs your: name and CIHT ID. Receipts will be issued to the email address held on the individuals record. 

Q: If I want to continue to be a member of CIHT but my employer stops paying for my membership, what should I do?
A: Providing the membership has been paid for in full for the current subscription year, your membership will continue until the end of the current subscription year. 

Rejoining CIHT

Q: As a previous member, if I re-join CIHT, do I need to pay membership fees for the years I was not a member?

A: No, you will not be charged any membership fees for the period you were not a current member but you will be subject to a re-joining fee.

Resigning your membership 

Q: I want to resign my membership with CIHT. 

A: Please email: We would appreciate it if you could inform us for your reason for leaving. 

Q: If I no longer want to be a member of CIHT, how do I stop my membership?

A: Your membership is an annual subscription and it will continue until the end of the current subscription year. If you would like to stop your membership you must inform us before the end of the current subscription year. We will then ensure that your membership stops automatically at the end of the current subscription year.

If you would like your membership to stop before the end of the current subscription year, please inform us and we will stop your membership. However, we will not be able to refund subscriptions to you or your employer except in exceptional circumstances, at our discretion. 

If you stop your membership with outstanding fees on your account, you may be required to pay those fees before re-joining in the future. 


If you have any questions about your subscription, please contact 

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