We have over 750 members in the Region. Our focus is on building on the professional standing of our members and forging collaborative working practices. CIHT Yorkshire & the Humber includes: City of Kingston upon Hull; East Ridings of Yorkshire; North East Lincolnshire; North Lincolnshire; North Yorkshire; South Yorkshire; West Yorkshire and York. We make a significant contribution to the work of the Yorkshire & Humber Infrastructure Alliance. We organise events and other activities covering highways and transportation topics. If you’re not a member of CIHT, you’re still welcome to join us at any of our events.
Expand your network with leading professionals in your area and stand out from the crowd.
If you would like to get involved in the work of the regional committee please contact us via e: yorkshireandthehumber@ciht.org.uk
In addition to our general programme of events, we celebrate achievement in the Region through the presentation of our ‘Best Highways & Transportation Project’, ‘Young Professional of the Year’ and 'Apprentice of the Year' awards at our Annual Awards & Dinner.
We have an active Young Professionals Committee which plans a range of technical and social events aimed at colleagues at the start of their careers. Social aspects include a 5-a-side football tournament, 10-pin bowling and pub quizzes. If you want to get involved please get in touch.
More details on all activities including news, events and who's who can be found on these pages.
Get in touch with the local committee e: yorkshireandthehumber@ciht.org.uk
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