CIHT Scotland exists to support you in your career development, to highlight and share best practice in transport planning and engineering in Scotland and to offer networking opportunities.
Expand your network with leading professionals in your area and stand out from the crowd.
With over 1200 members located across Scotland, CIHT Scotland is keen to support professionals pursuing qualifications.
The SPF is part of CIHT Scotland and sits under the auspices of the CIHT Learned Society & Technical Board. As a member-led initiative, SPF stemming from the time of devolved government in Scotland. Its central purpose is to represent CIHT members in Scotland in an appropriate way and to convey professional advice and opinion to elected bodies and society at large in a way that is relevant to the specific geography, characteristics and governance of the transport network in Scotland. SPF ensures that relevant transport technical and policy issues are brought to the attention of CIHT members across Scotland and endeavours to produce timely responses to the Scottish Government on public consultations. For further details go to Scottish Policy Forum.
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