
Welcome to CIHT London

CIHT London is one of the largest of CIHT's 12 UK regions, representing over 1,000 CIHT members. Membership covers the entire Greater London area. As a region, we are inclusive and are proud to represent the diversity that exists within London. We share knowledge, provide learning and development opportunities and support members. Even if you’re not a member of CIHT, you’re still welcome to join us at any of our events.

Get in touch with the CIHT London committee via our LinkedIn group or at 

Become a Regional Committee Member 

Expand your network with leading professionals in your area and stand out from the crowd.

>>> Register your interest here

Get Involved - Become a Committee Member

CIHT London is here to help you with membership, professional development, and regional events. We aim to provide career support and opportunities to expand your network with leading professionals through our CPD and social events.

The regional committee consists of several officers from across the London area, the profiles of which can be found on the Who's Who page. Committee meetings are held throughout the year and include an AGM in May.

Becoming a regional committee member can expand your network with leading professionals in your area and will help you stand out from the crowd. Joining your committee also counts towards CPD and can lead to longer involvement in national CIHT activities. It is the first step for those who wish to become a key figure in the institution.

We are always looking for new people to expand our committee and we welcome new committee members at any time and would be delighted to hear from you. Currently there are the following vacant roles:

  • Secretary
  • Web/Communications Officer; and
  • Ordinary Committee Members.

You can find more information about the Regional Committee roles on the Regional Officers page.

To find out more about joining our committee, please contact us:


Joining CIHT London LinkedIn Group

Connect with the CIHT London LinkedIn for the latest upcoming CIHT London Region events, how to get involved in our regional committee, latest regional industry news and opinions and much more.

There will be polls, commentary, publications, and opportunities to engage with other members and also insights into what our regional committee are doing to support you as a member.

Join the CIHT London LinkedIn Group here.


Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI)

CIHT London aims to harness its position as a strategic influencer and leader in the highways, transport infrastructure and services sector to shift the dial significantly on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI).

Based on research with members and stakeholders, we have developed an EDI Strategy and 5-Year Action Plan which will:

  • Build on our achievements to date to drive the EDI agenda more consistently and with greater pace within the membership and across the sector,
  • Change the public perception to support a greater diversity of entrants into the sector,
  • Collect and analyse qualitative and quantitative EDI data to monitor progress and redefine priorities over time, and
  • Be transparent about challenges as related to EDI and accountable on reporting progress internally and externally.

You can find out more about this strategy here.

For further information or queries on our actions that encourage EDI, please contact us at: 


Mentoring - are you applying for CEng, IEng, EngTech or TPP qualification with CIHT?

Are you applying for a professional qualification with the CIHT? CIHT Mentoring is available to all CIHT members interested in, or working towards, an Engineering Council or Chartered Transport Planning Professional registration.

Our regional mentors provide advice, guidance, and encouragement to their mentees on their journey to becoming professionally qualified. Mentors will help their mentees identify the knowledge, skills, and experience for the relevant competence requirements of their professional qualification and advise on demonstrating this in the submission and at the professional review interview.

If you are interested in connecting with a mentor, please Request a mentor, or perhaps you are interested in becoming mentor, then Register to become a mentor.

If you would like more information on how the regional committee can help you, please get in touch. You can learn more about being a mentor here.


Contact us

Get in touch with the local committee at:


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Become a Regional Committee Member 

Expand your network with leading professionals in your area and stand out from the crowd.

>>> Register your interest here

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