CIHT Dubai Group

Welcome to the CIHT Dubai Group which covers the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

The Dubai Group exists to organise technical, membership and social events which share and develop knowledge, ideas and skills amongst highways and transport professionals in the UAE.   

The goals of the Dubai Group are:

  1. To act as a forum for highways and transport planners, engineers and related professionals in Dubai and the United Arab Emirates
  2. To promote professional standards and qualifications which enhance the skills and capacity of Dubai’s transport sector
  3. To provide a local focus for CIHT to provide services and support (e.g. mentoring, support for nominations) to Members
  4. To become an active and self-sustaining branch of CIHT, contributing to the profile and reach of the Institution
  5. To promote wider professional, academic and social collaboration and learning with other bodies as appropriate
  6. To lay the basis for further CIHT activity in the UAE and wider GCC region


Get in Touch

If you would like to know more, register for direct e-mail communications, or get involved directly with the Committee of the Dubai Group, please send your details to

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