About Us

Chartered Institution of Highways & Transportation (CIHT) is a charity, learned society and membership body with 12 UK regions and a number of international groups.

CIHT represents and qualifies professionals who plan, design, build, manage, maintain and operate transport and infrastructure.

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Who we are

At a glance

Founded in1930 as the Institute of Highways Engineers.

Incorporated by Royal Charter in 2010. 

Chartered Institution of Highways & Transportation (CIHT) is a charity, learned society and membership body with 12 UK regions and a number of international groups.

CIHT represents and qualifies professionals who plan, design, build, manage, maintain and operate transport and infrastructure.

In-depth view

CIHT Strategy 2022+

2022+ Achievements

CIHT in 2023: 12 months of achievements

CIHT in 2022 – a year to remember


What makes us unique

The Institution is the natural home for all people working in transport infrastructure who are seeking education, professional qualifications, technical guidance and networking in a welcoming environment.

CIHT is the leading voice of the highways, transportation, infrastructure and services profession. We are the prime source of advice for national and local government and other strategic stakeholders when they are seeking technical expertise and knowledge to guide future policy and investment.

CIHT is the only body to offer the full range of professional transportation qualifications including Chartered Engineer, Incorporated Engineer, Engineering Technician, Certificate of Competency in Road Safety and, uniquely, Chartered Transport Planning Professional. These qualifications ensure that our members work to high professional standards on behalf of the societies we serve.

Don't just take our word for it

>>> Testimonials and reviews


A registered charity

CIHT is a charity registered in England and Wales (1136896), Scotland (SC040873) and the Republic of Ireland (20103989).

The Institution is a registered charity. Its Charitable Objective is

“to advance for the public benefit the science and art associated with highways and transportation in all their aspects and to promote education, training and research in and development of the said science and art.”

CIHT fulfils these responsibilities by providing authoritative, independent, professional advice to government and transport stakeholders. It ensures members have access to current skills and good practice and provides qualifications to underpin the standards of the profession.



CIHT is governed by its Charter and Byelaws which set out its constitutional and governance arrangements supported by a set of Standing Orders and Financial Regulations. The key governance bodies are the Council and the Board of Trustees.

>>> Find out more here


Our mission

To advance, for public benefit, the science and art associated with highways and transportation infrastructure and services and to promote associated education, training, research and development.


Our vision

To be the leading professional highways and transportation body, promoting safe, accessible, inclusive, economically and environmentally sustainable transport infrastructure.


Our values


An effective, high-performing and ethically focused Institution that has integrity, acts impartially and strives to do the right thing, in a fair and responsible way.


An accessible Institution that values equality, diversity and inclusion by supporting all our members, regions, national and international working groups and committees.


A membership body that engages with our stakeholders, supports common interests and informs and influences decision-makers.


An ambitious and innovative Institution committed to positive change.


Strategic Objectives

Promote learning

Providing members with the skills, training and qualifications to be the workforce that our society, the environment and the economy need.

Influence the future

Working with members, stakeholders and decision-makers to demonstrate the value of efficient transport infrastructure and services and to help improve all networks so that they are safe, sustainable, effective and able to meet the changing needs of society.

Promote the value of membership

Recruiting new members and retain existing ones through a reputation for excellence and a range of attractive membership services.


What we do


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CIHT Podcasts


Come work with us

We’re on the lookout for people who’d like to join us in our journey in helping us achieve our mission.

>>> See current CIHT vacancies


Help and Support

If you have any questions about CIHT, please get in touch with our team who are ready to help you. Email us at info@ciht.org.uk or call us or make an enquiry on+44 (0)20 7336 1555 .


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